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Meet Ginger Cook:
The Queen of Color and Trailblazer in Acrylic Artistry

From childhood excursions to the Seattle Art Museum to my junior year of high school, I had the unique opportunity to attend a boarding school in Montreaux, Switzerland, in 1964. It was there that my passion for art truly flourished under the guidance of an inspiring art teacher. Recognizing my potential, my teacher encouraged me to apply to the prestigious École des Beaux-Arts. Despite my young age, I was accepted, making me the youngest student to join their ranks at the time. Although the opportunity was significant, finishing high school was my immediate priority.

In 1965, I started using acrylic paints, which were pretty new back then. I really wanted to show that acrylics could be as great as the more popular oil paints. My efforts paid off when I won the top prize and four other prizes at a big art contest in 1995, and I even got to show my art in New York.

Over the years, my paintings have been shown by some important art companies, and they've turned them into different things like puzzles and wall hangings.

Welcome to our new home for all things Ginger Cook in learning resources. We have exciting plans for 2024, so be ready to be educated!

We offer something very different than other online acrylic painting tutorials. Our Red, Blue, and Purple Members have access to Personal Art Coaching with Ginger Cook. 


  • Getting professional help with your artwork as you are working on it is worth its weight in gold.
  • You see where your painting can be improved or what you have done correctly, and why it works.
  • Helping you correct image and lines that detract from your painting
  • Encouraging you as an artist and how to succeed best.
  • Helping you seeing areas you could work on to have a more successful painting.
  • To make a more compelling painting, Ginger often offers a personal video explaining where changes could be made and explain why.
  • Help with non-tutorial paintings. The non-tutorial can be one you found in a photo or from another non-youtube artist.
  • Ginger will give you honest suggestions to help you reach your art goals.
  • Being able to send in art as you paint it for a quick check on the accuracy of the drawing or design
  • Sending in a photo first to ask if it would make a good painting

Help other artists by making a donation here.

Artistic AI Design Services

We’re thrilled to announce a groundbreaking service from Ginger Cook Studios, blending AI’s cutting-edge capabilities with the timeless beauty of traditional art. With recent advancements in artificial intelligence, we now have the power to generate custom digital images that serve as a foundation for your creativity, offering inspiration and reference for your own physical artwork. This service was unthinkable just a few months ago, but now it’s a reality we’re eager to share with you. 

Donations via Stripe Payment Processor
Scan or Click to make a donation


Take a photograph of your artwork straight onto the camera—making sure that the painting is tight and square in the final image.

Fill out the PAC ticket with the size of the artwork, medium, paint used, and type of help you desire. The more information that you provide, the better Ginger will be better equipped to help you.

We have a form that will let Ginger know a little bit more about the artist. Make sure you have sent in this form that tells Ginger a little about you and your personal goals.

Attach one or more reference photos for any non-tutorial painting.

Watch the video on the ticket form's side to see how to attach more than one image.

When changes have been made to your painting, send it back to Ginger for a final check and “complete” your ticket. This can be done numerous times with one painting.

Be patient as Ginger takes requests for Personal Art Coaching in the order that they are received. If you have not heard back from us in 7-days, use the Contact Us form to notify us, and we will check on the status. When you submit a PAC ticket, you should receive a confirmation email.

You are asked on the ticket form if you would like to share your artwork. If you do, please check the appropriate boxes and the name you want to use. 


Ginger WILL NOT accept or comment on other YouTube Artists, including The Art Sherpa, Angela Anderson, or Paint with Jane, to name a few.

Non-tutorial art without a reference or references will be rejected immediately, which includes art from your imagination, with or without drinking!

A maximum of 4 Gallery or YouTube tutorial lessons per month may be submitted for PAC plus one original per month. If PAC is not requested, you may submit additional paintings to be shared so that they are in your ticket file and have the option to have them posted on Pinterest or elsewhere. 

Personal Art Coaching Samples

Visit The Tech Bear's YouTube channel to see many more examples of Video Personal Art Coaching. 

Membership Levels Explained

With so many options, where do you start? Let us try to explain our options so you know where to start and the good news is, you can always upgrade or downgrade as you see fit.

Let us start from the very beginning.

If you just want to “kick the tires” and see if our lessons are for you, just sign-up as a Green Member. You will have access to some of our lessons that will let you check to make sure that your setup is compatible with our website.

The next level is the Orange Member which has access to the reference materials that we have for our YouTube lessons starting in 2021. We will be going back to older lessons and adding the more popular titles. This membership also has access to the lessons offered to the Green Member.

Next is our Yellow Member that has access to the Green and Orange Member tutorials, as well as a lot of our “1-Cookie” and “2-Cookies” lessons. The “Cookie” reference refers to the “difficulty” of a particular tutorial. We have a full article about “Cookies” on our other website. More tutorials are added periodically to this membership.

The Red Member is the first membership that has access to all of our lessons that are not part of the Blue Member membership. This member also has access to the Personal Art Coaching option that is the key to learning how to paint with acrylics at an accelerated rate. You will learn more faster with Ginger Cook helping you when you have questions or just want to make sure you are on the right track. To learn more about Personal Art Coaching, visit our other website for now.

Our Blue Members will focus their attention primarily be on “Waves and Water”. This is considered a “focus” curriculum and previous knowledge of working with acrylics are required. The student should be comfortable with “2-Cookies” lesson and have completed several “3-Cookies” tutorials. They will have access to the Green and Yellow Member tutorials, and a few of the Red Member’s tutorials as well.

Members with a Purple Membership can access all the online tutorials. However, this does not include lessons that are only available for purchase or those labeled as “Own Forever” lessons. These special lessons are not part of the standard membership offerings.

Purple Membership Perks:

  • Unlimited Tutorials: Access all 400+ lessons.
  • Exclusive Portrait Series: Master painting people in portraits.
  • Wave and Water Masterclass: Dive into our exclusive tutorials.
  • Personal Art Coaching (PAC): Receive guidance on up to 5 of your paintings monthly, whether they're from our tutorials or your original creations.
  • Purple Member Site: Engage in challenges, attend live Zoom calls with Ginger, and enjoy even more exclusive content!
Ginger Cook, Professional Artist & Educator

The “Queen of Color” is willing and wanting to teach you to paint with acrylics. With over 50 years of experience of being a professional artist, she is the one that can guide you on your artistic journey. Let Ginger be your Personal Art Coach.

Ginger Cook, Professional Artist & Educator

The Quintessential Color Mixing Journal is a must-have “tool” for any serious artist. This collection of videos will guide you through the process of creating your own journal. Leading you from the beginning to a “living” journal.

Jon Little, Photographer, Videographer, & more

Also known as “The Tech Bear”, Jon brings his technical skills to the partnership. He works with all aspects of running the Academy except the painting parts! He will handle all of the technical issues with help from his Stuffy Staff.

For help with all things technical about using our websites or other questions…The Tech Bear YouTube channel is the place to check.

Check out the “Queen of Colors” YouTube channel for more great lessons and her Live shows!

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